Azure Monitor Logs for Azure Data Factory Pipelines

There’s is Azure Monitor Log analytic logging that could be used to track end to end transactions for a specific run. 

Here’s an example showing the start time and end time of each run:

union ADFPipelineRun, ADFActivityRun , ADFTriggerRun

| project TimeGenerated, OperationName, CorrelationId, Category, Level,Status

| summarize StartTime = min(TimeGenerated ), CompletionTime = max(TimeGenerated ) by CorrelationId

| order  by StartTime desc

A query like this could help you track each of the Runs and the activity run and you could potentially come up with a query that find the delta in between each run activity for a trigger.

union ADFPipelineRun, ADFActivityRun , ADFTriggerRun
| project TimeGenerated, OperationName, CorrelationId, Category, Level,Status, ResourceId

union ADFPipelineRun, ADFActivityRun , ADFTriggerRun

| project TimeGenerated, OperationName, CorrelationId, Category, Level,Status, ResourceId

| where CorrelationId ==  “Insert Correlation ID”